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Zumba Gold

with Maureen Green


April 3rd to May 15th, 2025

This 1-hour class welcomes all fitness levels; prior dance experience is NOT required.  The idea is to follow along and have so much FUN you don't realize you are getting a great workout.   We dance to both popular and Latin music using basic Zumba Rhythms: Salsa, Reggaeton, Merengue, and Cumbia.  Please wear comfortable clothing and sneakers and bring water. The best part is that there are no wrong moves; it's all about moving. Maureen attended her first Zumba class in 2017 and fell In love.  She decided she wanted to share Zumba with others, and in February of 2024, she became a certified teacher.     

6 classes, Thursdays, 4/3-5/15 (no class 4/24), 6:00pm-7:00pm, Village Gym, $65


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CPR Session III

with Charissa Kerr


April 17th, 2025

The CPR class includes adult, child, and infant CPR and AED use, adult, child, and infant choking, and how and when to call emergency services. The course cost includes the use of the manikins, video, certified instructor, practical components, and a certificate of completion. The video portion has been shortened, and the practical time has been increased to ensure everyone has enough time to gain confidence in their skills. This class is taught to the standards established by the American Heart Association. The workbook is not included in this class. If you would like a workbook, please indicate on your registration form (one workbook covers CPR and first aid). The cost is $10 for the book, payable to the instructor.

Session III, Thursday, 4/17, 6:00pm-9:00pm, GMs, $60

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First Aid

with Charissa Kerr


May 14th, 2025

The First Aid class includes medical emergencies, bleeding that you can see, bleeding you cannot see, treating for shock, and how and when to call emergency services. The course cost includes a blend of PowerPoint and video, instructor and practical components, and a certificate of completion. This class is taught to the standards established by the American Heart Association. The workbook is not included in this class. If you would like a workbook, please indicate on your registration form (one workbook covers CPR and first aid). The cost is $10 for the book, payable to the instructor.

Wednesday,  5/14, 6:00pm-7:30 pm, GMS, $45

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Join Certified Group Fitness Instructor Theresa Labrecque for a class that blends Pilates's core conditioning and full-body strengthening with the flexibility and lengthening of Yoga for a balanced workout for all levels. Theresa has been a certified group fitness instructor for over 30 years, teaching Pilates for more than 18 years and Yoga for 12. She is committed to providing functional strengthening to all ages and ability levels.

Session II: 10 classes, Mondays & Wednesdays, 2/24-4/2 (no class on 3/10 & 3/12), 7:00pm-8:00pm, Village Gym (Virtual option available), $80


Registration closed
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Tai Chi II Session II

with Laurie Huenteo


April 1st to May 20th, 2025

Strengthen and deepen your Tai Chi practice by expanding your basic exercises while putting moves together to create a form. Some meditation practices may be included to aid further relaxation, stress reduction, and pain management. Wear loose-fitting clothing and comfortable shoes. Must have completed Tai Chi I or have approval from the instructor to attend. Laurie has been practicing Yang-style Tai Chi & Qigong for 14 years.  Tai Chi has become her passion, and she finds it to be a perfect exercise that encompasses balance, relaxation, focus, strength, stretching, cognitive stimulation, and discipline. It is a gentle, beautiful, meditative form of expression that is also a true martial art with defensive application.  Laurie has been practicing Yang-style Tai Chi & Qigong for 14 years.  Tai Chi has become her passion, and she finds it to be a perfect exercise that encompasses balance, relaxation, focus, strength, stretching, cognitive stimulation, and discipline.

Session II: 7 classes, Tuesdays, 4/1-5/20  (no class 4/22), 6:00pm-7:00pm, GMS, $69



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Pilates/ Yoga Combination Session III

with Theresa Labrecque


April 7th to May 14th, 2025

Join Certified Group Fitness Instructor Theresa Labrecque for a class that blends Pilates's core conditioning and full-body strengthening with the flexibility and lengthening of Yoga for a balanced workout for all levels. Theresa has been a certified group fitness instructor for over 30 years, teaching Pilates for more than 18 years and Yoga for 12. She is committed to providing functional strengthening to all ages and ability levels.

Session III: 10 classes, Mondays & Wednesdays, 4/7-5/14 (no class 4/21 & 4/23), 7:00pm-8:00pm, Village Gym (Virtual option available), $80