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Trees of the Solstices & Other Earth Celebrations

with Amy Witt


October 29th, 2024

$35 More Info

Did you know that Elder (Sambucus) is one of the trees of Samhain, the Celtic festival celebrating the harvest and the beginning of Winter? Samhain is a time of death and rebirth. Elder is the perfect tree to invite in for this festival because it is a tree of endings and beginnings. Meet the trees and plants associated with the eight Celtic festivals that celebrate and honor the Earth's seasons, including the summer and winter solstices. Celebrating the seasons helps you reconnect to the Earth and Nature. Inviting and spending time with the plants for each festival helps deepen your connection. Amy Melissa Witt is a Naturalist, Horticulturist, Educator, and Director of Earth Walkers ( She offers a variety of nature-based programs, garden consultations, and leads people on journeys to invigorate their hearts and fully experience Nature in more spiritual ways.

Tuesday, 10/29, 6:30pm - 8:30pm, GMS, $35

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Understanding Medicare

with Aaron Manning


September 24th, 2024

Price not available More Info

Have you ever felt like Medicare regulations are a black box? There's an alphabet soup of plans, a book of fine print, and a calendar full of dates to remember. The whole thing seems like a mystery with too few clues to solve. Aaron Manning, a Licensed Insurance Agent with HealthMarkets, can answer many of the questions you may have about Medicare, from the beginning of the process to the end. He will discuss when you are eligible, what is the timeline for enrollment without penalties, and what original Medicare covers and what it doesn't, along with what additional plans work in conjunction with original Medicare, and your financial assistance options. Aaron has been licensed in health insurance and Medicare since 2018 and has helped hundreds of clients. HealthMarkets is located in the Village Mall and serves as a local resource to help clients navigate their health insurance options.

Tuesday, 9/24, 6:30pm-8:00pm, GMS, free

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Soul Sister Circle for Women

with Elissa Nauman


September 17th to December 17th, 2024

$59 More Info

Are you longing for a community of women where you can gather, share, support each other and heal from the wounds of the world? Look no further; your Soul Sister Circle has arrived! This will be a 4 part monthly gathering where we will co-create a comfortable space to share, dream, laugh, cry and trust. This safe and confidential women's circle is designed to leave you feeling heard, grounded, connected and revitalized. Experience what can happen when women join together as sisters to create the magic that is Circle! Elissa Nauman, M.S., facilitates guided meditations and women?s circles throughout the Portland area and is an energy healer using the modalities of Reiki and Integrated Energy Therapy (IET). She is certified in essential oils coaching, Usui Reiki, Integrated Energy Therapy, Reiki Crystal Healing, and Chakra Therapy.

4 classes, Tuesdays, 9/17, 10/15, 11/19, 12/17, 6:30pm-8:00pm, GMS, $59

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Transform Your Career: Break Free and Thrive

with Colleen Nobert


October 23rd, 2024

$49 More Info

Feeling stuck, unhappy, and disengaged in your current career path? Whether you're a recent graduate, a family member supporting a job seeker, or a career changer looking for a fresh start, this course is for you. We will go beyond traditional career center services; of resume, cover letter and interview preparation, to provide practical guidance and tools for strategic career planning. Through self-discovery and personalized insights, you'll gain the clarity and confidence to create a new, exciting career path that aligns with your passions and goals. Colleen Nobert is the Owner and Career Coach of Career Fit 4 Life Career Coaching Services with a MsEd Education Leadership, GCDF, SCDA, FCD, Love+Work Leader. Colleen has over 23 years of teaching and coaching people to explore, understand, and implement career plans that lead to finding success and fulfillment. She is an expert in helping clients find a new direction so that they find personal career pathways.

Wednesday, 10/23, 6:00pm-7:30pm, GMS, $49

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Monthly Meditation Circle Session I

with Elissa Nauman


September 14th, 2024

Price not available More Info

You're invited to join this guided meditation where you will be led to focus on breath and energy centers (chakras). The intention or theme will change each month depending on the time of the month or year (i.e., moon phase, equinox, solstice, etc.), with an emphasis being on sending out love and healing to the world. This is a free event. Elissa Nauman, MS, is the founder of Restoring Through Nature, LLC. She guides clients to achieve their physical, emotional, and spiritual health goals through the support of essential oils and energy work (Reiki and IET). She has a Master of Science in Counseling and is certified in essential oils coaching, Usui Reiki Level 2, Integrated Energy Therapy, Reiki Crystal Healing and is also a Certified Chakra Therapist.

Session I, Saturday, 9/14, 10:00am-11:00am, Baxter Library, free

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Monthly Meditation Circle Session II

with Elissa Nauman


October 12th, 2024

Price not available More Info

You're invited to join this guided meditation where you will be led to focus on breath and energy centers (chakras). The intention or theme will change each month depending on the time of the month or year (i.e., moon phase, equinox, solstice, etc.), with an emphasis being on sending out love and healing to the world. This is a free event. Elissa Nauman, MS, is the founder of Restoring Through Nature, LLC. She guides clients to achieve their physical, emotional, and spiritual health goals through the support of essential oils and energy work (Reiki and IET). She has a Master of Science in Counseling and is certified in essential oils coaching, Usui Reiki Level 2, Integrated Energy Therapy, Reiki Crystal Healing and is also a Certified Chakra Therapist.

Session II, Saturday, 10/12, 10:00am-11:00am, Baxter Library, free